Concrete Facts Let’s Take A Look At Recruiting From A Different Perspective
Are your Recruiting/Talent Acquisition practices stuck in technology with less than acceptable results? Are you listening to excuses why the best candidates are applying elsewhere, and not experiencing new and better results?
Sometimes the difference is created by looking at Recruiting from a different perspective. Last July, I arrived at O.R. Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa around 7 PM. Once we cleared Customs, picked up my luggage, and picked up my rental car, it was closer to 9 PM.
I left the airport driving on the other side of the car and driving on the other side of the road than in the US. Talk about creating a different perspective! The first 6 or 7 times that I tried to use my turn signals; I cleaned my windshield.
My business,, is the Leading Talent Attraction Consultant search engine results on GOOGLE and Bing. I look at Recruiting from a different perspective.
This is the link to the article that I wrote for Concrete Facts, the quarterly magazine of the Concrete Foundations Association where I took a look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from a Candidate’s Perspective –