#1 google search result for talent attraction consultant

Talent Attraction Consultant

Hire & Retain the Top 10%

With 40+years of expert, professional, talent-attraction consulting experience, mingled with 26 years of expert career coaching experience, Bill is uniquely qualified to Speak, Author, and Consult on talent attraction, career-search and proper goal setting.

Long Term Employee Retention
Starts With Talent Attraction

Many companies have Top Talent Attraction challenges.  Do top performers seem to migrate towards your competition?

RecruiterGuy.com’s contract recruitment consulting experience will partner with you to develop a plan to attract the top talent. We have conducted successful contract recruitment assignments in cybersecurity (physical and software), technology, sales, marketing, finance, food and consumer product manufacturing, human resources, renewable energy construction, electrical contracting, and IT.

Bill Humbert's headshot

Attracting Top Talent: The Key to Business Success with Recruiter Guy Bill Humbert, the Talent Attraction Consultant



RecruiterGuy’s first step is to determine the needs in your team and build consensus to create a customized approach for talent attraction, employee engagement, and retention.


Working with your HR team enables us to learn the strengths and weaknesses of your processes and develop an actionable plan to reach your recruiting goals.


Talent acquisition is not over on the day a candidate accepts an offer. We work with your staff to improve the 1st day experience and create systems for long term retention.

About Bill Humbert, RecruiterGuy
Talent Attraction With Proof of EXPERIENCE

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In 2018, 6 job seekers I coached found new positions between Thanksgiving and New Years.

In 2019, 3 executives found six figure income positions in October.

An Executive who used my salary negotiation scrip, received an offer 40% above his expectation…And 20% more than he was going to ask for.

As a Volunteer, helped at least 108 people in Utah find new positions from August 2009 to January 2016 – and 4 more start their own new businesses.

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Read over 400,000 resumes

Of those offered, 95.7% accepted the job

Recruited candidates from 36 states.

Recruited for clients located in 15 states.

Only 2% of my offers have been declined as a result of a counteroffer.

983 hours training hiring managers in client companies.

89% of all new employees we recruited remained in their company longer than 2 years.

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Written from an expert recruiter’s perspective.
5,000 copies sold of “RecruiterGuy’s Guide To Finding A Job”
Award Winning Author, “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading”
Authored, “Employee 5.0: Secrets of a Successful Job Search in the New World Order”

Many readers reported success utilizing the "12 Steps to Take Charge of Their Careers" to find the right job for them. Readers love the salary negotiation script!

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Keynote at 13 Colleges & Universities

Spoke at 97 Career Fairs across the country

Spoke at Utah SHRM Crossroads Conference, and Rockford, IL

SHRM Fall Conference

Park City Speaker Series

Appeared on over 100 television interviews


"Bill is a true professional within third party recruiting. His years of experience qualify him as an expert in consulting, recruiting and training."

- Ellen Small, Pittsburg

Head shot of Bill Humbert.

Bill Humbert

Bill Humbert of Provocative Thinking Consulting, Inc. is a professional speaker, an expert contract recruitment consultant since 1981, and award winning author.  He is a graduate of Assumption College in Worcester, MA.

EXPECT SUCCESS! The Science Of The Over 50 Career Search

Is ageism a thing? It may be a thing, but it does not have to stand in your way on your journey to find your next career.

Companies are trying to keep a secret about their hiring process... The career search game has changed. Your resume won't get in front of human eyes until it has been scanned and vetted by a program using artificial intelligence. And some of the so-called keywords are so dumb, one can question how intelligent this AI really is.

"You get what you expect in life. It's true scientifically and theologically. Bill Humbert now shares irresistibly compelling insights on how to use it to achieve every good thing you want."

- Mark Victor Hansen,
author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

What's more is that most job descriptions rarely reflect the true job. You might try to mirror the description verbiage as closely as possible in your resumes, but if the description does not accurately describe the job, neither will the resume.

How can job seekers overcome these obstacles? Finally, an expert recruiter reveals the science behind finding a new career in today's market with a step-by-step guide.

Read Time Tested Job Search Strategies that work in today’s market:

In the 21st Century, the job search is always on. Jobs no longer last a lifetime, or even much longer than a few years for some. At the first sign of economic trouble, corporations drop workers like a damsel in distress, in hopes of keeping their stockholders happy. The economy improves, hires begin, and the cycle repeats over and over.

"Bill’s advice rings true and was a key element in getting my foot in the door for an interview during my job searches. Speaking from personal experience, I have trusted Bill’s advice in my career moves and would highly recommend others do the same."

- Steve Hannah, CIO,
Berthel Fisher Company President, iPrism


Break the vicious circle and take charge of your career with the techniques of Employee 5.0. The savvy modern worker takes their job into their own hands rather than waiting for a corporation to value—or devalue—their worth.
Veteran expert recruiter Bill Humbert has devised a simple 12-step system that, if followed, will translate into a job offer—or offers—in 90 days. He’ll take the job seeker through the immediate days after a layoff to negotiating their next salary for their newest job. All the while, he teaches how to think about employment in the 21st Century, where everyone needs to be working on their next job because, if they don’t, no one else will. Join the Employee 5.0 team and start building your career for you. It’s time.