“I Did It My Way”

As the leading Talent Attraction Consultant, Bill Humbert of RecruiterGuy.com writes articles for Association quarterly magazines. This article is for Concrete Facts Magazine.

One of the reasons you find yourself leading a company is the belief that you can do a better job than your predecessor. This sentiment was a driving force behind my decision to launch my talent attraction consultancy, RecruiterGuy.com, in 1990. In writing this article for the Concrete Foundations Association’s quarterly magazine, Concrete Facts, I…

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Photo of RecruiterGuy (red jacket) at the Bobsled Starter at Utah Olympic Park RecruiterGuy Talent Attraction Senior Advisor Talent Attraction Consultant Talent Acquisition

Construction and Utility Companies, particularly in the northern climate, where they must lay off their summer employees, may have an interesting new way to retain those employees. Does your company feel the pain of hiring hourly workers at the beginning of a construction season and then having to lay them off during the winter season?…

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Concrete Facts Let’s Take A Look At Recruiting From A Different Perspective

Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.png Pyramid showing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs #TalentAttractionConsultant #RecruiterGuy.com #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition

Are your Recruiting/Talent Acquisition practices stuck in technology with less than acceptable results? Are you listening to excuses why the best candidates are applying elsewhere, and not experiencing new and better results? Sometimes the difference is created by looking at Recruiting from a different perspective. Last July, I arrived at O.R. Tambo Airport in Johannesburg,…

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