This is my latest article for the Concrete Foundations Association quarterly magazine, Concrete Facts Magazine, on March 26, 2024.
There is a difference between properly setting a goal and making a resolution for your business. I know. I have been in business for 34 years.
Why not make a “resolution?” The answer is easy. Are many New Year’s resolutions kept? Over my past 34 years, maybe two New Year’s Resolutions were kept – and they were easy resolutions.
Every time that I decided to evolve my Talent Attraction Advisor business, I set a BHAG – and was successful.
Who taught me Proper Goal Setting? When I was a Freshman at DeMatha Catholic High School in Hyattsville, MD, a future Basketball Hall of Fame Basketball Coach, Morgan Wootten, was my Home Room Teacher, my World History Teacher, and a customer on my The Washington Post paper route (the revenues were used to pay my way through DeMatha).
He discussed Proper Goal Setting with our class. While he never discussed his personal goals with us, as a famed high school basketball coach, he must have set goals for his development of high school boys into skilled basketball players. Many of his players graduated from college and then played in the NBA. Adrian Dantley, DeMatha ’73, was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.
Fast forward to 2009 when I wrote my first Career Search book, “RecruiterGuy’s Guide To Finding A Job”. For the first time, I sat down and created an acronym to make setting a goal easy to remember. It is as important to set career goals as it is to set business goals. Why? Without a properly set goal, a person or a company does not have a path to follow to succeed.
On Easter Sunday in 1969, I was home from Assumption (College) University in Worcester, MA for the holiday week. After Mass on Easter, I perused The Washington Post and saw an ad from Greyhound Bus Company. They said they could take a person from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles in 5 days for $99. I thought, “I can do that!”
I properly set a goal to hitchhike From College Park, MD to Los Angeles in 5 days. We departed from College Park on the on-ramp from US Route 1 towards Route I-270 on August 2, 1969. When we arrived in Los Angeles on August 6, 1969, the pregnant Sharon Tate and her friends were still alive. They were brutally murdered during the night of August 8/9. On August 10, our properly set goal to hitchhike to San Francisco in 24 hours saved our lives as we hitchhiked on Route 101 from Santa Monica. That was the night that Mr. and Mrs. LaBianca were brutally murdered. Talk about reinforcing Proper Goal Setting! Until reading “Helter Skelter” by Vincent Bugliosi in 1974, we did not know how close we came in 1969.
How do you Properly Set a BHAG business goal? This is my acronym that you may use – but first – You must be PASSIONATE about meeting that Goal. Otherwise, it is simply a resolution.
My acronym is SCAMPS. To read more click here –
If you are an Association Editor and would like me to write an article for your Association Magazine or Newsletter, please contact me at to set a time that fits your calendar. I am happy to tailor my articles to fit the needs of your Association members.
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Bill’s BIO
With 40+ years of Expert Professional Talent Attraction Consultant experience mingled with 26+ years of Expert Career Coaching Experience, Bill is uniquely qualified to Speak, Author, and Consult on Talent Attraction, Career Search, and Proper Goal Setting. Bill is an Experienced International Speaker and would love to chat with you to learn about your Audience.
Bill began recruiting in 1981 in Washington, D.C. as a fee-based recruiter. He started his own business in 1990 and then focused on consulting and recruiting for one company at a time and charging a flat monthly fee. He has been highly successful with this model and worked with companies in multiple industries (Telecom, Construction, Financial Services, Manufacturing – Food and Consumer Products, Management Consulting, Renewable Energy, etc). His most recent recruit was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for a Restaurant Chain. She started on March 1, 2023.
During the Pandemic, from May 2020 to May 2022, he wrote 104 consecutive weeks of #TalentAttraction #Tuesday blogs and 104 consecutive weeks of #JobSearch #Friday blogs on his website. For over 26 years, he has coached hundreds of Professionals in successful Career Searches.
He has written 3 Career Search books. The latest, EXPECT SUCCESS! The Science Of The Over 50 Career Search, received a 5 Star Review –