Hiring Managers Who Do Not Interview Candidates Over Christmas Miss Out on The Best Candidates
Your company has completed its budgeting for the coming year – and you know what staff you need to hire in January, why wait to interview and hire in January?
The days between the week before Thanksgiving and December 31 are the BEST time to recruit Candidates, interview them, and extend an offer in December with an early January start date.
As a leading Talent Attraction Consultant, many of my clients followed my counsel and found their best candidates of the year during this time. Why? Because most of the corporate competition was focused on everything else except recruiting.
For example, one of my clients was located in Germantown, Maryland in the 1980s. In mid-December, the IT Director told me that he needed to hire a CICS Systems Programmer. He previously hired several Systems Programmers that I introduced – and they were still on staff. I knew the company and the culture.
I found a woman CICS Systems Programmer who had excellent skills. She lived in Baltimore and planned to drive to Blacksburg, VA on Christmas Eve morning. I spoke with the IT Director and asked him if he would want to interview her on Christmas Eve morning as she was driving past Germantown. He was excited to do so!
She was a little hesitant to stop and interview. We chatted about the organization and the staff. She decided, “What the Heck!”
The Director and I had previously spoken about her compensation requirements. He called me after her successful interview. He said, “We had a great interview. I invited her to our staff potluck lunch, and suggested that this way, she would not have to stop along the Interstate to eat.” She accepted his invitation. While she was eating, he polled his Managers. It was unanimous, Extend her an offer! When she was finished, the IT Director invited her into his office where he extended her an offer.
On Christmas Day, in the evening, she called me and said she had a Christmas present for me! She accepted my client’s offer. She was excited to start with them and called her current employer the day after Christmas to give her 2 weeks’ notice.
What is your best reason to interview and hire during December? This is the time that many organizations slow their pace (except retail). The Top Candidates are happy to interview during this time because taking a few hours off is easy.
The Top Managers are excited that they completed their interviews and selection in December. The early January start means they may focus on working the New Year instead of going through the headaches of recruiting when everyone else is.
Since that time, many of the people I recruited interviewed from Thanksgiving to Christmas, accepted an offer – and started in early January. Would you not agree that it is always best to jump ahead of your competition?
Talent Attraction is Better than Talent Acquisition!
#1 Google Ranked “Talent Attraction Consultant”
With 40+ years of Expert Professional Talent Attraction Consultant experience mingled with 26+ years of Expert Career Coaching Experience, Bill is uniquely qualified to Speak, Author, and Consult on Talent Attraction, Career Search, and Proper Goal Setting.
If you would like a conversation on how to ATTRACT talent instead of using an Applicant Tracking System or HRIS to screen them out, we should chat. Click on Contact – RecruiterGuy to set a time for us to chat.
If you are an Association Director, would you like to increase the benefits to your members? Recruiting is a problem for most companies. I can help.
My Talent Attraction speeches benefit your Association Membership and your Organizations. Please consider – If my Speech saves your members or company only ONE Recruitment fee, it has paid for itself.
Attracting and integrating Top Talent gives your company an industry edge. The process is worth the effort by improving productivity, innovation, and profitability.
Retaining Top Talent keeps your industry knowledge inside your company – instead of with the competition.
The RecruiterGuy.com Top Talent Attraction business model is my differentiator. I focus on one client at a time and charge a flat monthly fee. This model enables me to attract new talent to your organization while identifying and suggesting improvements to your company’s Talent Attraction process, including Manager Interview Training. https://recruiterguy.com/
Put yourself on my calendar by clicking Contact – RecruiterGuy
Why am I known as The Candidate Whisperer? See below –
AVAILABLE on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart online! Expect Success! The Science Of The Over 50 Career Search. This book is a game-changer for every professional searching for a new Career. Want to learn how to leverage your current position to a higher-paying Career Position where you Love to Work? https://amzn.to/3HnTxbw! This is the link to the Readers’ Favorite: Book Reviews and Award Contest 5 STAR Review – Book review of Expect Success! – Readers’ Favorite: Book Reviews and Award Contest (readersfavorite.com)
Mark Victor Hansen (Co-Founder of Chicken Soup For The Soul series) endorsed my book! “You get what you expect in life. It’s true scientifically and theologically. Bill Humbert now shares irresistibly compelling insights on how to use it to achieve every good thing you want.” MVH
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“Talent Attraction Safari Series” and “Career Search South Africa Series” photos were taken by me during a business trip to South Africa in July 2023.
Bill@RecruiterGuy.com 435-714-4425
©1999-2023 Bill Humbert – Provocative Thinking Consulting, Inc. –
USA 01-435-714-4425 Bill@RecruiterGuy.com
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